Andritz Separation GmbH, Köln - Aurubis AG Hamburg
about 20 tonnes per day of dried sludge
Aurubis AG in Hamburg manufacture copper containing ore concentrates and recycled materials of high-quality copper products. During the processing of copper-containing alloying material, the sludge accumulates which is processed through the modern technique to the additional by-products.
The by-products includes e.g. the mining of precious metals like gold, silver and platinum.
The Aurubis AG Hamburg intends to expand the existing facility of precious metal mining to a new drive converter. With this new system, a heated membrane filter press should be used for drainage of the accumulated venturi sludge. By heating the plates, the residual moisture in the cake can be lowered to <= 3%.
The membrane filter press is part of the newly built converter which is created from the Aurubis-site within a completely enclosed structure.
In the gas cleaning process of the system, the deposited sludge from the quench and venturi scrubbers are supplied for concentrating two parallel working thickeners and thickened there on a solid content from 100-150 g/l.
The so concentrated sludge is stored in a mixing tank and discontinuous filter press discontinued for filtration and drying.
WABE delivers the entire periphery, the Andritz filter presses.